The worst house responds to treatment

Baby steps...

The garden is slowly but surely coming under control, so the next step is to construct secure, robust and, ideally, attractive wooden fencing all around the property. That's a lemon tree on the left and an orange tree on the right, both of which should start producing now they are no longer buried under the jungle that had taken over.

We've been lucky enough to have the help of friends and neighbours, who regretted volunteering when they realised it involved raking up what had essentially turned into a field of hay, under the Spanish August sun!

We've also been turning our attention to the inside, stripping it back to the bare bones and planning some changes.

We have had some bad news - at least 55m² of roof needs to be replaced. Our budget already trails far behind our dreams so we didn't really want to hear this but we want to do it right so the problem has to be dealt with. Fortunately we both have good work and plenty of contacts in the building trade, so a new roof should soon be in place.

In the meantime we'll just plod on, slowly clearing up while trying to deal with a hot and sweaty Spanish summer, and try to avoid the glorious but expensive shops full of beautiful things we want to put in our house - at least until the more practical issues are in hand!
